This insurance package is designed to protect your home against risks as well as from the damages from risks such as fire and theft.
It also covers you against liability to third parties and domestic workers.
This insurance package includes various policies to provide cover for your valuable home items.
The following sections are covered under the package;
a.) Buildings
It covers the building, fixtures, and fittings against losses arising from fire, natural disasters, human causes such as riot, strike and malicious damage, explosion and Miscellaneous causes such as bursting and overflowing of water tanks, apparatus, pipes and impact by road vehicles and animals.
b.) Contents
It covers the house contents against fire, theft, and damages arising from natural disasters and human causes such as riot, strikes, and malicious damage.
c.) All Risks
This covers accidental damage and theft to specified portable items which are carried outside the house such as cameras, laptops, radio, jewellery, etc.
d.) WIBA
This covers domestic servants such as house helps, watchmen, gardeners and drivers in respect of injury, death or disease arising out of and in the course of employment.
The cover is mandatory for all employers as per the Work Injury Benefit Act (WIBA).
e.) Owners’/Occupiers’ Liability
This covers the homeowner or occupier against legal liability of third parties for accidental bodily injury and accidental loss of or damage to property.
Sports Equipment Cover
It covers the policyholder’s sports equipment such a golfer’s equipment.
Pet Insurance
It covers your pet against burglary, and expenses arising from diseases, epidemics and emergency slaughter.